Friday, January 27, 2012

Standing On the Threshold

I've been writing Run Like Hell since July 2011.  An idea that came to me and has lived in me for months now.  I've edited, edited, and edited - sent out for editing, and then re-edited.  Now it's time to let it go...

The eBook is almost ready - a final review, the cover is being created as I write, and then it will be posted on Amazon.

I'm excited about this journey - excited and scared.  I read many blogs & articles about author's and their writing journey's.  Now that I'm on the threshold of self-publication I'm hesitant to jump off the diving board. 

The pool of reviews, comments, feedback - whether good or bad, is daunting.  Criticism can be paralyzing.  Praise can detrimental - making one complacent.  How will I deal with the feedback?  Thick skin?  Too sensitive?  Time will tell.

I know I have to jump in.  I'm about to.  Once the cover is completed I will have my book listed on Amazon and will be following up shortly after with eBook #2 which I am currently editing.

Many thanks go out to my husband, my mother, my brother, and close friends!  This has been an incredible journey and I continue to forge ahead in my writing career, despite the feedback that will soon come.

Thank you all for your support and please download a copy of Run Like Hell as soon as it's available.

Happy Reading,


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