I've been writing Run Like Hell since July 2011. An idea that came to me and has lived in me for months now. I've edited, edited, and edited - sent out for editing, and then re-edited. Now it's time to let it go...
The eBook is almost ready - a final review, the cover is being created as I write, and then it will be posted on Amazon.
I'm excited about this journey - excited and scared. I read many blogs & articles about author's and their writing journey's. Now that I'm on the threshold of self-publication I'm hesitant to jump off the diving board.
The pool of reviews, comments, feedback - whether good or bad, is daunting. Criticism can be paralyzing. Praise can detrimental - making one complacent. How will I deal with the feedback? Thick skin? Too sensitive? Time will tell.
I know I have to jump in. I'm about to. Once the cover is completed I will have my book listed on Amazon and will be following up shortly after with eBook #2 which I am currently editing.
Many thanks go out to my husband, my mother, my brother, and close friends! This has been an incredible journey and I continue to forge ahead in my writing career, despite the feedback that will soon come.
Thank you all for your support and please download a copy of Run Like Hell as soon as it's available.
Happy Reading,
Good luck with your book, Elena.